I am a cancer survivor
I have 1 eternal companion
1 daughter
3 sons.
my fair share of challenges
I am human

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Today is my birthday . 29 years old. I have gone through alot in my lifetime But if you ask me if I could go back in time and change anything I would say I wouldn't change anything. My trials are on;y making me a stronger person .
So today I am going to watch twilight I got it for my birthday after I am done deconstructing my basement. I am loving the hardwood floors I have and I am enjoying these homeimprovment projects.


NatalieHemingway said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (you should have gotten a sledge hammer for it!) :)

ThurberGang said...

Happy Birthday, Melissa! Good luck on your projects! Hope you have a great day.

The Amayesings said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Melissa dear! I'm glad you're enjoying life through its ups and downs. That's the goal. Glad you were born.

Jen B. said...

Happy B_DAY gal! I love being 29 again!