I am a cancer survivor
I have 1 eternal companion
1 daughter
3 sons.
my fair share of challenges
I am human

Sunday, August 17, 2008

TIme for a much needed change

While on my vacation I was tossing and turning the idea to get my hair cut . Well I did it. I decided to do it Friday during my diner out with my family. I figured after 2 years of growing it I needed to do something for me . Since I am always doing things for others and not taking time for myself . I also got a purple streak put it. It is jut a hair extension colored purple. I dared myself to be gutsy and do it . And the cool thing about it it is on a clip i can hide in my hair it looks natural
I also painted my room a real nice blue . I got sick of looking at the nasty burnt orange the previous owners put on it . It is called stillness when I get my room put back together I will post pictures


The Amayesings said...

Good for you, Melissa! I can't see the purple, though. If you get a chance, post a pic w/the purple. Looking good! And blue is my favorite color.

mechan said...

will do tia scott didn't take a good picture sorry blue just didn't look right on me

Jen B. said...

Wow -- tons of fun changes in just a short time. Good for you.